DECOR STAINGUARD 2K is a specially designed, one of its kind, paint for Interior walls like kitchen, bathroom, drawing and bedroom walls where tough stains can easily be cleaned by mechanical scrubbing or with any common cleaning agents. It's two components, reactive semi-glossy waterborne paint, once dried, forms highly cross-linked polymer network that can withstand the scrubbing action of highly abrasive materials like "Scotch Brite". The paint film is also highly chemical resistant and remains unaffected by strong detergents, acidic cleaning agents or any other cleaning solvents.
Surface must be free from dirt, grease, oils and any other foreign substances. Any flakes of old paint or powdery residues must be scraped off and cleaned thoroughly by sanding using an emery paper. Algae and fungus on walls to be removed by high-pressure water wash or coir brush and apply Bio-Wash fungicides solution if needed. Fill cracks with suitable crack filling chemicals prior to start the painting job.
Apply Prime on a well-prepared surface. Apply suitable putty to remove the undulation on the surface. Once the putty dries sufficiently hard smoothed the surface by sanding with emery paper No. 320
Precautions & limitations:Stir the base and hardener parts separately before mixing them together. Mix hardener gradually into the base container (not the reverse) under continuous stirring. Always mix the full measure as supplied to avoid improper curing issues. A suitable power mixer is recommended for uniform mixing of the product. Continue the mixing for 3-5 minutes. Allow induction time of 10 minutes and then thin down to applicable consistency with required quantity of potable water.
Mix thoroughly till the components become homogenous. Apply the paint liberally with paintbrush followed by rollers. Apply 2-3 coats of DECOR STAINGUARD - 2K to meet the desired opacity as well as finish, depending on the shades. Provide 4-5 hrs. drying interval between the coats.
Cleaning:Clean all tools and spillage of paint with water immediately after application.